Investigating the effect of memory systems in recall when visual extraneous overloads impair Working Memory

  • Vasileios Ladas
  • Panagiota Afendouli
  • Penelope Louka
Keywords: Working Memory, Recall, Semantic Memory, Semantic Priming Effect, Visual Working Memory, Familiarity Effect, Emotional Memory, Emotionally Charged Words, OIE, PowerPoint Animated and Decorative Objects


The retain of information is depended to the levels of processing, the visual processes that are involved (when visual stimuli are concerned) and the memory systems that are interoperating with WM (Working Memory). A recent study showed that PPT [Power Point Presentation] which is the most widespread tool used in learning environments, and more specifically animated and decorative objects utilized for reinforcing the understanding of a current subject, may impose WM to an OIE (Overloading Impairment Effect) by reducing recall. Yet, cognitive effects which activate effective memory systems that may deactivate this OIE haven’t been explored. The present study aimed to deactivate the OIE of PPT’s animated and decorative objects by unfolding influencing cognitive effects (Semantic Priming Effect, Familiarity Effect and Emotionally Charged Words). 280 participants recruited for the present study and randomly divided into 4 groups to perform 4 different tasks: three recorded PPT to unfold the three mentioned cognitive effects with animated and decorative with Emotionally Charged Words; the IPSFSP [Interactive Participation in Story Formation through Semantic Priming] from previous research was reutilized as a control group for evaluation. Data were analyzed by using a 2 (Type of Stimuli) x 4 (Cognitive Effects) Mixed ANOVA. Statistical significance yielded for the superiority of the effect of threatening stimuli and Semantic Priming in recall. Unsatisfactory effect sizes may reveal the existence of the OIE which may led to non-significant interaction effect of the variables. Ultimate power achieved allows for secure concluding that priming of information led to its greater inculcation instead of its typical training, especially when an OIE is present.
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