The correlation between perceived stress, emotional intelligence and decision making: A multiple linear regression analysis.

  • M. Ademi
  • P. Afendouli
  • P. Louka
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, perceived stress, decision-making, Multiple Regression, correlation


The academic community has been significantly interested in components that direct decision-making in humans. A considerable amount of research has revealed that emotional intelligence and stress are incontrovertible factors that could predict decision-making outcomes. Specifically, there are noticed studies that yield a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and decision-making as well as a negative relationship between stress and decision making and stress and emotional intelligence. However, there is not detected a study that has assessed all these variables simultaneously. Thus, the present study aimed to address this inadequacy of the literature by examining their correlation together to be provided a clarified facet concerning their link. The data were obtained through a convenience sample (N=152), aged 18-50 and the procedure was conducted online via Google Forms due to Covid-19 related issues. The questionnaires that were used for the study were: The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, Short Form, Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale, Decision Making Questionnaire, because of their satisfying internal reliability. The analysis that was used was the Forced Entry Method of the Multiple Regression since emotional intelligence and perceived stress could seemingly predict the individuals’ ability to make decisions. Markedly, the outcomes yield that the rates of emotional intelligence and perceived stress could significantly predict the decision-making process. There was found that an individual with high emotional intelligence corresponded to low levels of perceived stress and adaptivity in decision-making. The findings provided an indispensable practical and theoretical implication for the field of psychology. However, there are addressed limitations and suggestions for forthcoming studies.
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