Using mobile apps to treat ADHD in children

  • Aikaterini Doulou
Keywords: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Social/Emotional Development, ICTs, Mobile Applications, Learning, Physical activity, Metacognition


People are turning to the digital world for answers to challenges in their daily lives as the number of mobile applications increases. People with impairments now have equal opportunities for education because of technological advancements. The majority of their time is now spent on mobile devices by youngsters. Therefore, using mobile applications to solve their issues would be pretty successful. Mobile learning, also known as e-learning programs that utilize mobile devices, can be used as therapeutic methods to enhance executive functioning and quality of life. Additionally, increasing the frequency of exercising cognitive and metacognitive task skills increases motivation in both children and teenagers. Moreover, the understanding and retention of the presented information might be aided by the audiovisual stimuli offered through smartphone applications. As a result, kids with ADHD may be crucial learning sources. Therefore, to enhance the quality of life for children with ADHD, the current study explores the function and efficacy of mobile applications.
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